Funding is only part of what CloverLeaf contributes to investment partnerships. We use the considerable resources at our disposal to help portfolio companies build their businesses.CloverLeaf often nominates a Director to the Board of a portfolio company. We work with and for our CEOs on many levels, filling the needs specific to each enterprise. Some of the services we provide include:

Recruiting Key People
We help our entrepreneurs build successful management teams and effective boards of directors. We can source candidates, assist with interviews, help “sell” the investee company to the prospective employee and assist in the structuring of competitive compensation packages.

We have an extensive network of contacts in technology companies, consulting firms, financial institutions, venture capital organizations, investment industry and the legal and accounting professions. We can and will make introductions.

Strategic Partnering
We have years of experience in building strategic partnerships. In particular, we have worked to negotiate arrangements between early stage investees and much larger entities.

Achieving Liquidity
We provide financial guidance and assistance in future financing arrangements, including Initial Public Offerings and selecting corporate acquirers or merger candidates.

We have a wealth of resources gained from our experience with over 100 technology company investments. These include compensation plans, compensation comparables, stock option plans, sources of market intelligence and typical terms and conditions of many types of financial transactions.